
AnrhydedduBywydau. Darparu Cefnogaeth. Arwain gyda


Croesoi D.Wynne Evans a'i FeibionTrefnwyrAngladdau,eich trefnwyr angladdau dibynadwy sy'n gwasanaethu teuluoedd yng nghanol De Cymru. Rydym yn deall bod ffarwelio ag anwylyd yn daithhynod bersonol acemosiynol. Gyda gofal gwirioneddol, proffesiynoldeb ac empathi, rydym yn sefyll wrth eich ochr, gan gynnig cysur ac arweiniad yn ystod y cyfnod anodd hwn.

 Honoring Lives. Providing Support. Guiding with Compassion.

Welcome to D. Wynne Evans & Sons Funeral Directors, your trusted funeral directors serving families in the heart of South Wales. We understand that saying goodbye to a loved one is a deeply personal and emotional journey. With genuine care, professionalism, and empathy, we stand by your side, offering solace and guidance during this difficult time.

Yn Nhrefnwyr Angladdau D. Wynne Evans a’i Feibion, rydym wedi ymrwymoiddarparuystodeangowasanaethauiddiwallu anghenion a dymuniadau unigryw pob teulu a wasanaethwn. Mae ein tîm ymroddedig yn deall bod pob bywyd yn unigryw, a chredwn mewn creu profiadau angladd personol sy'n anrhydeddu ac yn dathlu etifeddiaeth yr unigolyn.

At D. Wynne Evans & Sons Funeral Directors, we are committed to providing a wide range of services to meet the unique needs and wishes of every family we serve. Our dedicated team understands that each life is unique, and we believe in creating personalised funeral experiences that honour and celebrate the individual's legacy.


Rydymyncynniggwasanaethau angladd traddodiadol sy'n cadw at arferion a defodau, gan ddarparu ffarwel urddasol i'ch anwylyd. O gydlynu'r gwylio a'r ymweliadau i drefnu'r seremoni angladd a'r gwasanaeth ar lan y bedd, rydyn ni'n trin pob agwedd gyda gofal a pharch mawr.

Traditional Funerals:

We offer traditional funeral services that adhere to customs and rituals, providing a dignified farewell for your loved one. From coordinating the viewing and visitation to arranging the funeral ceremony and graveside service, we handle every aspect with utmost care and respect.

Dathliadau Bywyd

 Os yw'n well gennych ymagwedd fwy personol a dyrchafol, rydym yn arbenigo mewn creu dathliadau bywyd sy'n canolbwyntio ar anrhydeddu taith a chyflawniadau unigryw eich anwylyd. Rydym yn gweithio'n agos gyda chi i ddylunio digwyddiad cofiadwy sy'n adlewyrchu eu personoliaeth, euhoffterau a'u gwerth oedd.

Celebrations of Life:

If you prefer a more personalised and uplifting approach, we specialise in creating celebrations of life that focus on honoring the unique journey and accomplishments of your loved one. We work closely with you to design a memorable event that reflects their personality, passions, and values.

Rhag-gynllunio a Threfnu:

Manteisiwch ar y cyfle i rag-gynllunio a threfnu eich angladd i leddfu’r baich ar eich teulu yn ystod cyfnod sydd eisoes yn heriol. Bydd ein tîm tosturiol yn eich arwain drwy'r broses, gan sicrhau bod eich dymuniadau'n cael eu dogfennu a'ch dewisiadau yn cael eu bodloni. Trwy gynllunioymlaen llaw, gallwchwneud penderfyniadau gwybodus a rhoi tawelwch meddwl i'ch anwyliaid.

Pre-Planning and Pre-Arrangement:

Take the opportunity to pre-plan and pre-arrange your funeral to alleviate the burden on your family during an already challenging time. Our compassionate team will guide you through the process, ensuring your wishes are documented and your preferences are met. By planning ahead, you can make informed decisions and provide your loved ones with peace of mind.

Gwasanaethau Amlosgi:

Rydymyncynnigamrywiaethoopsiynaui’rrhaisy’nystyried amlosgi. O amlosgiad traddodiadol gyda gwasanaeth coffa i amlosgiad uniongyrchol, rydym yn darparu arweiniad a chefnogaeth dosturiol trwy gydol y broses gyfan. Gallwn hefyd gynorthwyo gyda dewis yrnau, gemwaith coffa, a threfnu gwasanaethau gwasgaru neu gladdu.

Cremation Services:

We offer a range of options for those considering cremation. From traditional cremation with a memorial service to direct cremation, we provide compassionate guidance and support throughout the entire process. We can also assist with the selection of urns, memorial jewelry, and the arrangement of scattering or interment services.

Cludo a Dychwelyd:

Os bydd eich anwylyd wedi marw y tu allan i Dde Cymru, rydym yn cynnig gwasanaethau cludo a dychwelyd i ddod â nhw adref. Mae ein tîm profiadol yn trin yr holl logisteg angenrheidiol gyda gofal a phroffesiynoldeb, gan sicrhau trosglwyddiad di-dor ac anrhydeddu eich dymuniadau.

Transportation and Repatriation:

In the event that your loved one has passed away outside of South Wales, we offer transportation and repatriation services to bring them back home. Our experienced team handles all the necessary logistics with care and professionalism, ensuring a seamless transfer and honoring your wishes.

Grief Support and Aftercare:

Our support doesn't end with the funeral service. We understand that grief extends beyond the day of the funeral, and we are here to provide ongoing support. We offer resources, counseling referrals, and assistance with obituary writing, as well as guidance on creating lasting memorials and monuments.

Please feel free to contact us to learn more about our services or discuss any specific requirements you may have. 

At D. Wynne Evans & Sons Funeral Directors, we are dedicated to providing you and your family with compassionate care, attention to detail, and a comforting presence during this challenging time.